About Us

Squarepoint is a privately held firm led by its four founding partners across ten cities around the world.

The business dates back to 2000 and has evolved through Lehman Brothers and Barclays before becoming independent in December 2014.

We are committed to developing a world-class quantitative investment platform through our systematic, diversified approach. At Squarepoint, collaboration occurs across all teams, sharing investment ideas and promoting a culture of ownership and accountability. We pride ourselves on our deep expertise across Quantitative Investment Management, Technology and Trading Operations.

As a quantitative investment manager,
we are systematic in our approach.

Investments are diversified across multiple asset classes, trading frequencies and global markets. The majority of investments are based on backtests performed on historical market data; however, we are an entrepreneurial group and are always open to new ideas and have a proven track record of bringing new businesses to life.




We founded nQuant within Lehman Brothers Tokyo initially focusing on long/short equities strategies

The original founders actively lead Squarepoint today

2003 - 2004

2003 - 2004

nQuant founders move to Lehman Brothers New York

Future Squarepoint co-founders join as graduates

2005 - 2008

2005 - 2008

nQuant expands operations to Lehman Brothers London and operates as a global business

We diversify into low latency strategies



nQuant team transfers to Barclays

2008 - 2010

2008 - 2010

nQuant reestablishes global operations within Barclays

EU & APAC operations are built from the ground up



nQuant expands operations to Singapore



We diversify into additional asset classes

2012 - NOV 2014

2012 - NOV 2014

We negotiate and implement our spin-off from Barclays

We set up 6 offices worldwide

28 NOV 2014

28 NOV 2014

nQuant trading winds down within Barclays

16 DEC 2014

16 DEC 2014

Completion of spin-off: nQuant becomes Squarepoint and is entirely owned by its partners

Squarepoint acquires all nQuant employees, IP and assets

Squarepoint launches its first fund with the aim of replicating the nQuant business

DEC 2014

DEC 2014

Our global trading operation is reestablished with connectivity to major equities, futures and FX exchanges

OCT 2015

OCT 2015

Squarepoint launches its second fund

FEB 2016

FEB 2016

Squarepoint incorporates in Montreal, Canada

APR 2017

APR 2017

Squarepoint launches its third fund



Squarepoint continues to expand the team and asset coverage worldwide while maintaining balance amongst the three regions

FEB 2019

FEB 2019

Squarepoint launches its fourth fund

APR 2019

APR 2019

Squarepoint incorporates in Hong Kong

MAY 2021


Squarepoint launches its fifth fund and incorporates in Bangalore, India

OCT 2021

OCT 2021

Squarepoint enters a strategic partnership with Arini Capital

Technology is integral to Squarepoint's success.

We operate at scale, executing millions of trades a day. Complex simulations produced by our Investment team require highly custom, nimble and forward-looking software. Technology is Squarepoint's enabler creating seamless integration between research and trading in order to capture opportunities quickly.

We are committed to developing a world-class
We are committed to developing a world-class
investment platform, which empowers those who work
investment platform, which empowers those who work
here by emphasizing true, global collaboration.
here by emphasizing true, global collaboration.

Our payments

Our trading platforms